Merchandise may be bought to kids and more: by drop-off on designated days. You must have an account number before you bring things in. It would be a good idea to call before you come in just to make sure we are accepting new consignors.
Condition of Merchandise: Clothing must be in current style, in season, clean, and without defect. Other items must be clean and without defect. Do not bring in more items than are allowed or all items will be returned to you.
Period of Consignment: Accepted items are kept for approximately four (4) months. Length will vary depending on the time of the month items were brought in. The first month will be full price, the 2nd month items will be marked 25% off the selling price, the 3rd month items will be marked 50% off the selling price, and the 4th month items will be marked 75% off the selling price. Kids & More reserves the right to set the selling price of all items.
At Drop Off: Items not initially kept must be picked up by the following day. If items that we are unable to keep are left without picking up 3 times during the current season, you will not be allowed to drop off any more that season. We cannot handle the volume of “donations” on a weekly basis.
End of 4 months: All items not sold will then be put on a clearance rack to reclaim some of our investment in labor costs only. After that all items not sold will automatically be donated.
Payment: Consignor is entitled to 30% of the selling price of items $9.95 and under, 40% of the selling price of items $11.95- $99.95 and 50% of items priced over $100.00. Money will only be available for pickup on the last full Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of the month following the sale month of the item(s). Money not picked up on those three days will not be available again until the last full Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the following month. If you request a check to be mailed. You may call only on the last Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of the month to request your check. Any payments not picked up after 12 months from the date it is available will be voided.
Your sales are uploaded into your account on the first day of the month for what sold the previous month. You can check your account online by going to our website, kidsandmorestore.com, scroll to the BOTTOM of the page where it says Consignor Login in blue. Your email is your username and password. It will only show items that have been uploaded into your account that have sold and have not had money picked up yet. Please call us if you have any problems logging in.
If you are in the store shopping you can use the money in your account towards your purchase. We chip in an extra 10% of the amount of your consignment money spent. It shows up as a Store Bonus on your receipt. For example, if you spend $20 of your consignment money we will chip in $2 towards your purchase.
Release of Liability: It is expressly understood and agreed by consignor’s signature that Kids & More and/or landlord is not responsible in any way for articles left on consignment. The consignor acknowledges and it is completely understood that under no circumstances can insurance or reimbursements be paid due to fire, theft, act of God or other cause. Items are being left at Kids & More at the consignor’s sole risk.